YJ Feature: 12 Essential Cues for Crow Pose You’ve Probably Never Heard Before

12 Essential Cues for Crow Pose You’ve Probably Never Heard Before

by Crystal Fenton 

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3. Keep a steady gaze on the ground about a foot in front of you

“One of the biggest challenges for students in Crow Pose is where to direct the gaze,” says San Francisco-based yoga therapist Jenny Clise. However, that’s easier said than done. “You can say to gaze slightly forward, but when it comes to putting it into practice, students let this cue fade away,” she explains.

So Clise helps students focus their attention on a particular spot on the mat. “Sometimes using a visual aid, such as placing a block slightly in front of you, can help,” she explains. “This visually cues where you are going as you shift your weight forward.”

That single-pointed focus, known as drishti, provides a steadying influence by literally grounding your visual attention on something that’s unwavering. It also brings your attention to something other than your racing thoughts.

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