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Morning Light Meditation 

This Morning Light Meditation and Body Scan offers a peaceful journey to begin your day with mindfulness and a little imagination. In this practice, you'll begin with mindful awareness of your breath, followed by visualizing a warm, soothing light that flows through your body, progressively releasing tension from your toes to your head. This light invites you to connect with your inner energy, leaving you feeling relaxed and revitalized. As you complete the meditation, you'll open your eyes, carrying the newfound sense of calm and presence into your day, ready to face whatever challenges may arise with a centered and refreshed spirit.

30 Min Yoga Nidra ~ Shifting Into New Energy ✨ 

Experience a transformative 30-minute session of Yoga Nidra that guides you into a deep state of relaxation and inner exploration. Prior to starting, I recommend assessing your current energetic state or identifying an outdated belief you wish to release. From this self-awareness, approach the process with self-compassion, ready to craft a fresh energy or belief. Formulate a positive and presently stated mantra or affirmation that resonates with your intention for change. This will serve as your focal point during the practice, empowering your journey towards a renewed perspective.

How to Prepare:

1. Wear your comfy clothes

2. Set up your space- Yoga Nidra is best practiced lying down. Feel free to grab these optional props:

  • A blanket to place over you
  • A bolster, pillows or a second rolled blanket for under your knees to support your low back
  • An eye pillow
  • A light pillow or blanket for under your head (nothing too elevated though as you want a neutral spine)

3. Have a Sankalpa/Intention ready to go! (suggestion above ⬆️ ) - aim for something positive and present tense. Example: "I am at peace"

If you have a hard time staying awake, don't worry! You can always come back to this practice and work on staying awake over time. The goal is to rest on the edge of wakefulness and sleeping (arriving between alpha and theta brainwaves- otherwise known as the hypnogogic state)


Loving Kindness Meditation

Loving-kindness meditation, also known as "metta" meditation, is a practice rooted in cultivating feelings of compassion and goodwill towards oneself and others. By gently focusing on positive phrases and imagery, this meditation fosters a sense of emotional warmth and connection. Regular practice has been linked to reduced stress, enhanced empathy, and improved overall emotional well-being, making it a powerful tool for promoting self-care and fostering harmonious relationships.

Heart Centered Breath Meditation

Heart-Centered Breathing is a transformative technique developed by HeartMath that embraces the interconnectedness of our physical and emotional well-being. This practice has been meticulously designed to harness the power of positive emotions, working synergistically to stabilize heart rate variability, thus promoting stability in the respiratory and immune systems. By cultivating a state of coherence—where heart, mind, and emotions align—this technique not only uplifts mood but also nurtures overall health. This meditation merges the heart-centered breathing method with guided visualization, facilitating a deep connection with oneself and others, ultimately guiding individuals towards an optimal state of being. Includes 432 Hz Frequency.

Yoga Nidra: Connecting With Cosmic Energy 🌙

Dive into a rejuvenating Yoga Nidra (yogic sleep) meditation where you'll seamlessly meld into a state of conscious relaxation, allowing you to intimately connect with the vast cosmic energy permeating the universe. As you slip into a serene mindfulness, experience the gentle flow of cosmic energy through your essence, dissolving the boundaries between self and universe. This journey will leave you with a profound sense of interconnectedness and a replenished awareness of your place within the cosmic tapestry of existence.

Background Sound: Delta Waves 132 hz by Syntrophy from Epidemic Sounds 

Yoga Nidra: Journey Within

Yoga Nidra is a guided meditation and relaxation technique that aims to help you reach a state of deep relaxation while remaining in a state of awareness, similar to the liminal space between wakefulness and sleep. This practice can be a powerful way to explore your inner self and connect with your subconscious mind. As you are led through the tranquil expanse of desert landscapes, you embark on a journey of self-exploration, progressively delving deeper into the recesses of your inner world.

How to Prepare: 

1. Wear your comfy clothes 

2. Set up your space- Yoga Nidra is practiced lying down. Feel free to grab these optional props:

  • A blanket to place over you
  • A bolster, pillows or a second rolled blanket for under your knees to support your low back
  • An eye pillow 
  • A light pillow or blanket for under your head (nothing too elevated though as you want a neutral spine) 

3. Have a Sankalpa/Intention ready to go! - aim for something positive and present tense. Example: "I am at peace" 

If you have a hard time staying awake, don't worry! You can always come back to this practice and work on staying awake over time. The goal is to rest on the edge of wakefulness and sleeping (arriving between alpha and theta brainwaves- otherwise known as the hypnogogic state)  


Cardiac Yoga - Chair Yoga Class & Loving Kindness Meditation 

This class was done for the organization Women Heart for those living with heart disease, or who are recovering from a cardiac event. With that said, it is for everyone and anyone who would like to ground down with some gentle movement, leading into a heartfelt loving kindness meditation. 

Class Overview

The yoga therapist team delivering these classes study or are on faculty at the NYC- based Prema Yoga Institute. This yoga cardiac program was developed with cardiologists from the Northwell Health Network (a WomenHeart National Hospital Alliance member) and is practiced primarily in a chair; no previous yoga experience is needed. All are welcome. Wear comfortable clothes to stretch in and be ready to feel more energetic and relaxed, while doing something beneficial for your health and wellbeing.