
  • Featured in Yoga Journal Article: 10 Tips for Building Real Yoga Community While Teaching in the Virtual World by Bria Tavakoli

    Mentioned in:  10 Tips for Building Real Yoga Community While Teaching in the Virtual World Six teachers share how they've found success and con...
  • Yoga Journal Article: Unlock Your Backbends With Yoga Blocks

    Stretch away back tension and build core strength with these eight poses—all assisted with a yoga block. Click Here to read the article.
  • Yoga Journal Article- 10 “Blockasanas” to Strengthen Your Core

    Yoga Journal Article- 10 “Blockasanas” to Strengthen Your Core Click HERE for the full Sequence
  • Love Letter to New York

    I'm sharing my love letter to New York in support of The Great New York Foodathon to benefit @cityharvestnyc. You can Donate to City Harvest by going to

  • Yoga Journal Article- Pillow Poses: Restorative Yoga You Can Do in Bed

    Yoga Journal Article- Pillow Poses: Restorative Yoga You Can Do in Bed

    Pic: Renee Choi

    picture by: Renee Choi

    "If you don’t own a bolster, you can always grab the next best thing for some restorative yoga from the comfort of your own home. 

    Restorative yoga helps guide us into deep relaxation, which is a great way to gently prepare for a good night’s sleep. I think we can all agree that after an evening restorative yoga class, one of the biggest challenges can be traveling the distance from our yoga mats to our beds! Until we iron out the science behind teleportation, a home practice might be the next best solution. This sequence is designed to soothe the nervous system, increase flexibility, and calm the mind after a full day."